Saturday, April 25, 2009

5 Things About Me

Coffegirl Confessions posted on her blog about sharing 25 things about yourself. I was reading people's comments and thought it would be fun for us to share. If you are receiving this by e-mail, you will have to log onto my blog to leave a comment. Okay, here are the first five things about me. 

1. I commonly "shh" people when they are loud or annoying. It is a huge fault of mine, and a great annoyance to my loud husband. 
2. I am a gasper. If anything surprises me, I gasp loudly. 
3. I am an all or nothing person. I'm either all for it, or could care less.
4. I love food variety. I can't eat the same thing within at least three weeks of having eaten it before. Well, except pizza. I love pizza.
5. I have a secret desire to be a singer in a band. Still wondering what that's all about.

Your turn. Show me what you're made of!


1 comment:

julie said...

Five random things about me:
1. I am so enjoying what the Lord is doing in my life right now. I am in a perpetual state of anticipation!
2. I really like ice cream and sometimes sneak out of the house to get some. (I always confess, though!)
3. I love the feel of fresh, clean, smooth sheets.
4. Levi Jeans and tennies are my favorite things to wear.
5. I have a pin cushion fettish.