Friday, June 26, 2009

Jelly Belly

Today we took the Jelly Belly Factory tour. They showed us how they make their famous Jelly Bellies and then gave us all a free bag of the little guys to munch on. It was a lot of fun for the kids. Danny ate one of their trick flavors: "rotten egg". He almost threw up. The guy next to us tried "skunk spray" and had a similar reaction. I stuck to the yummy flavors. 

Which brings me to my next thought. 

I have totally gone off gear with my healthy eating!!! I need to get back on track. I need to somehow figure out how to eat healthy on the go. I think my biggest problem is that I give myself permission to eat worse on the road. That is definitely not going to work long term. Something to think about... 


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

To Sell Everything We Have...

Well, we did it! We sold EVERYTHING we owned, gave to the poor, and followed him! Everything we own fits with us in our Prius (basically clothes). Now we are officially relocated, yet mobile. We are staying in an extended stay hotel, where we won't have to be tied down or committed to anything, and will receive housekeeping. :) We are waiting on the Lord for our next move. There are some exciting things going on at the church locally that I'll share more about later. We are in total anticipation of what the Lord's going to do. Praise God that He has a perfect plan! 

Side note to all those that know how much this matters in our family, the library here is amazing!

If you are a friend or family member, e-mail me and I'll give you our new info.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Enemy Chefs

The Lord gave me a vision. He showed me a picture of a battlefield. On this battlefield, there was our army (that of the Bride) on one side, and the enemy's army on the other side.

I saw something strange. One of the soldiers for the enemy was sneaking into our kitchen and putting food into it. Then he snuck out again. Our army went into the kitchen and ate the food happily, unknowing it was from the enemy. We liked the food and continued eating it, even denying our own food in demand of the enemy's. 

Our army began to get tired and sluggish.We began to get sick, some even died. We began to get moody and unmotivated. We began to fight among ourselves. Our confidence faded. We were week and the enemy attacked us. We were unable to defend ourselves. 

The Lord showed me that this is what the enemy has done in America and is doing all over the world. He has been sneaking into our kitchens and has been feeding us his poison. This is an old tactic of the enemy. 

As always, we can look at history to see how the enemy attacks. 

In Ezekiel 16:49 it says: Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.

This verse doesn't lay out all their individual sins, but it does show that they were overfed. The enemy has used food to ruin people since the beginning of time. The food so controlled them that they were willing to stuff themselves and let others starve. 

Think of the forbidden fruit.

Think how the Lord gave the Israelites food laws. It was so they would not eat the enemies food.  

Of course he has many other tactics, but food is one that has really gone unnoticed as an attack from the enemy. We can see its effects all around us, but we think it's just us. No, it's a strategic attack. 

So, the Lord showed me that His food is good and nourishing. It makes us strong, clear headed, and emotionally stable. There is something to be said about that. Give it a try. It's all the stuff in its natural form. Not processed, genetically or chemically modified, preserved, or refined. Just good natural food.