Sunday, January 4, 2009

To know me...

Moses once asked the Lord, "Who shall I say sent me?" 
What he was really saying is, " How shall I label you? What box shall I contain you in?"
The Lord answered, "You can tell them, I AM sent you."
The truth is, God cannot be labeled or contained in a box. God cannot be given a title. He is so much more than that...and so are we. 
I am not a Christian, an American, a caucasian, a middle class woman, a mother, a homeschooler, or a twenty-six year old wife. None of these labels contain who I am. None of these can capture my essence. Only relationship with me will tell a person who I am, and only relationship with God will reveal His person. And when it is revealed, there will be no label, there will only be an understanding. 
So, we cannot know God through our labels for him, our sermons, sayings, or books. They cannot contain Him any more than they could contain you. So in response to who I am. All I can say is, "I am. I am just me." No label will tell you the full truth about me. And no label will tell you the full truth about God. When you ask him who he is, he just says, "I AM...I am me."    

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