Well, as I travel down the road of life, sometimes I end up in a well known destination with a new mindset about being there.
As I prayed this week about the school decision, I felt like the Lord told me that He wanted me to homeschool. He pointed out one of my children and told me they have a special need that I need to nourish and protect for the time being.
I hate to admit this, but part of the struggle that went on in my mind, is that I have already publicly announced the fact that I will not be homeschooling anymore and now have to take that back. Many times logic, or my logic, can justify something or make it seem like a good and right answer to a problem, but the Lord's logic is not my logic and I have to trust Him.
I have had to ask the Lord's forgiveness many times about trying to push him aside so I can just run the world already without his interference. He must chuckle about that, or worse, know that I have a lack of respect and trust for him. He is not surprised by this, He knows my heart. I think I am the only one surprised...I am only beginning to know my heart.
So for now on this journey, I am still homeschooling, but with less fear of those that are different than I am and less need to be exclusive with my relationships. I am hoping to love people for the people they are, not the culture and status they are, and I am hoping to teach my kids to do the same.